Do Android dreams of COcisuts deeds? Some Quakers still… 🙂

Welcome to COcis.io, the personal site of Sigfrid Cosmin Bonvecchio aka COcis of Tulls Clan or COcisuts. The First Italian Esports Progamer.
White Hacker, DIY Maker, Digital Evangelist. From AI to Crypto, Full Stacks and Infinity.Running on net’s edge since 99 and early adopted tons of technology, ronining from my Atari 2600.

Top 20 italian IT expert/privileged observator in 2020’s SceMaps(StateCaptureEstimation and Monitoring of Anticorruption Policies at the Sectoral level) by the Center for the Study of Democracy(Bulgaria) in partnership with Univ. of Trento(Italy), Fundacion Ciudadana CIVIO(Spain),Expert Forum(Romania) and OpenSorosSociety.

Consulted and worked with Olivetti,Intel,Inet/British Telecom,Eolo,Razer,Leader,FBK,Futur3,Cassa Centrale Banca,LM,Truestar Grp,Mart,Muse to name few.

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My Gaming

Vice-european and Italian/Austrian champion of Quake/Cs for years with TuLLs Clan, called by the science newspaper Focus, The first Italian Cyberathlete (Progamer), being between the 4 finalists in the first european finals of any esports tournament ever hold online and aired on a national TV or Web back in 1999 to the thousands of user that were waiting that moment by ever.My pupil Avallone, grew from it’s 13 years talent into the biggest Italian esports champion ever and is still the most influent italian gaming authority as a top50 of La Stampa in june 2021,besides being cofounder of FACEIT that just merged in the biggest esports company of the World, ESL/FACEIT, restarting the Electronics Sports Worldcup and bringing back all the authority of my 8-12 1v1 PK world seeding that i gifted him when i stopped to play professionally.


My art

I’m also in the coding artistical avanguard scene, collaborating with Premi Strega, Millennium Photographers Alinari, Aquile di S.Venceslao, Mart, Muse, Museo storico di Trento, Centrale Fies… From permanent installations for Trento’s province to videomapping on the biggest screen of the world, the BurjKhalifa at Dubai, passing throught creation of metaverses. From seminaries at Academy delle Belle Arti of Turin to artistic co-directoring in Digital Art and Culture Festival(Elve) and digital museum co-foundation as museowunderkammer.it


My projects

After helping growing NGI in EOLO, at 26 i started my Kombok SRL and in partnership with Futur3 , we created the biggest public wifi/bt intranet in Europe back in 2005 with 50000+ public hotspots in EU and tons of b2b/b2c with that tech. Latest startups became crypto services developers starting from my past experience on blockchain as IL Giornale early adoption in 2014 as Xlab CTO and ending throught a NFT collection for the UFC’s Marvin Vettori.

I covered positions like industry4.0 CTO in the last official spinoff of the primest EU research center for sensor&AI, FBK.eu, main Microsoft research center in EU or CVO for AlpsBlockchain on mining/FPGA.I did also teachers and students domotic/ia/ml formation for public schools, public speaking and technical evangelizations.

I was co-creator of Lenovo’s Father.io, nominated in best innovatives at the 2018 Italian Videogame Awards, digging deeper into the metaverse birth and industry standards from the BurningMan 2020 call in Unity, passing throught the Itaverse for Giro d’Italia in Unreal Engine.
