Do Android dreams of COcisuts deeds? Some Quakers still… 🙂
Welcome to, the personal site of Sigfrid Cosmin Bonvecchio aka COcis of Tulls Clan or COcisuts. The First Italian Esports Progamer.
White Hacker, DIY Maker, Digital Evangelist. From AI to Crypto, Full Stacks and Infinity.Running on net’s edge since 99 and early adopted tons of technology, ronining from my Atari 2600.
Top 20 italian IT expert/privileged observator in 2020’s SceMaps(StateCaptureEstimation and Monitoring of Anticorruption Policies at the Sectoral level) by the Center for the Study of Democracy(Bulgaria) in partnership with Univ. of Trento(Italy), Fundacion Ciudadana CIVIO(Spain),Expert Forum(Romania) and OpenSorosSociety.
Consulted and worked with Olivetti,Intel,Inet/British Telecom,Eolo,Razer,Leader,FBK,Futur3,Cassa Centrale Banca,LM,Truestar Grp,Mart,Muse to name few.